Large Commissions and Projects > Shelter/Place

virus, covid, coronavirus, science, sculpture
Shelter/Place, installation detail
Mixed, incl wire, paper, wood, drawing
12" square "detail" : crawl

Detail component of:
Shelter/Place. The components of this installation were created during the Spring 2020 pandemic shelter-in-place months. The many real and possible forms of viruses became my point of exploration and captured my every spare moment. This is a visual journal documenting my feeling of fragmentation:: Time was simultaneously more interrupted and more fluid and calendar-irrelevant; Socializing took the binary extremes of 24-7 proximity or isolation; Needs became untethered from actual availability requiring thoughtful recalibration; Assumptions (about everything!) turned upside-down; Information about the virus and the future turned to chaos; Extremes of income disparities and social and racial inequities could no longer be ignored. With everything upside down, my studio/lab took to imaging alternative microbes and viruses.